Join Your Home Care Union Today!

The Home Care Chapter (originally the Virginia Association of Personal Care Assistants) of SEIU Virginia 512 was founded in 2006. Today, we’re an active union of over 1,400 home care workers across our commonwealth. Along with consumers and allies, we advocate for quality care for older adults and people with disabilities, as well family-sustaining wages and benefits for home care workers in Virginia. We do the work that makes all other work possible.
Our union asserts that care work must be protected, respected and paid adequately. Home care workers serve on the front lines every day in Virginia, keeping communities safe and healthy, and giving individuals a chance to live with agency and dignity. We believe in good union jobs, at least $15/hour, health care, and justice for ALL.
United in our union, home care workers have won multiple major raises for home care providers, a path to $15/hour, hazard pay, thousands of new waiver slots for older adults and people with disabilities, assistance with paycheck issues, the first paid sick days ever provided for Virginia’s home care workers, orientation, and more.
Now, Home Care workers are uniting to call for the same collective bargaining rights that tens of millions of Americans enjoy so we can bargain for better home care for all. We know the best is yet to come, and won’t stop pushing until we win all that we deserve!
To learn more about our Home Care Chapter, please contact the union by phone at 571-432-0209 or by e-mail at Our constitution and bylaws are linked here. Union members can set up appointments to review the union's finances, and how dues money is spent, by contacting Secretary-Treasurer Patti Nelson at